Sunday, May 31, 2009

Long/Shake Out

Saturday, 5 pm, mid 70s and sunny
22 miles
Potomac Heritage Trail, Arlington, Airport

Saw many trees down on the trail today, but whoever maintains the trail did a fantastic job cleaning it up.
Only a few patches of mud. Not bad.
First 48 min. went by quick.
Ran out of water relatively early today.
Found a comfortable pace just after 2:30.
Cold soak afterwords.
Cereal with blueberries, strawberries, banana, and soy milk.
9:30 am
Shake out run with Gus and Abe
1 mi wu, small PT 75 push and sit, 1 mi cd
5:30 pm
Dos mas with Kari and Sis
Barefoot on the track.
The legs feel very good. Neither stiff nor sore.
I bet the combination of much more stretching and brief cold soaks after runs that hurt have been helping recovery.
This is the last week of summer school. The goal is to maintain mileage, but I suspect studies might once again steal the spotlight.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Ran faster than planned today.
It was pouring rain and it was just refreshing and motivational. Splashing through the puddles like a little kid.
Newspapers say more than 7 inches of rain have fallen in the past 5 days.
.7 inches just this afternoon.
As a result, trees are falling over. Tomorrow's long run might take place on a different route depending on how muddy and how much debris is in the way on the trail.
Needless to say, today was a wet and fun run.
~10 mi.

More running

Hill work yesterday at the arboretum.
Went strong up the hills and relaxed for the rest.
A better overall time for running at the Arboretum.
At one point, with no one around, I heard a large cracking and snapping. As I looked to the side I saw a huge, old, dead tree take its final bow. It was a good thing no one was around, or at least good that no one was underneath it. This reminded me of the long run this past weekend. Running on the Potomac the trail was clear going out, but on the way back there was a tree stretched across the entire path. Good thing no one got hurt because getting hit by that could have killed someone.
Any who, during the middle of the run yesterday I had to make a quick pit stop to take care of some sort of stomach bug. Good thing there were bathrooms close by.
Finished last three barefoot on the track with the second to last mile at 7 min. pace. Thought it would be faster than that but wasn't.
The new track is oh so nice.
Finished the day off with alternating lunges down the football field, and back with side lunges.
100 each leg.

10.5 mi.
~8:00 min. pace

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yesterday and Today


First 2.8 mi. in 20:19 (7:00/mi.)
Total 10.4 in 1:19:30 (7:38/mi.)
cool down
11.1 mi. total
for dinner, I ate a bunch of whole wheat noodle. Mmmm....

Very easy, relaxed, no pressure type of run today.
Maintenance miles.
Giving the legs a bit of recovery from yesterday and tomorrow's planned workout.
The new track is open and is fantastic. It's very bouncy. Just wonderful.
Ran one mile barefoot on the new track with Gus and Rachel.
Small PT with them.
3x1 min. ab planks
50 sit and 50 push
A great way to end the run.

12 miles
9:25/mi. pace

Monday, May 25, 2009

Deceptive Humidity

Underestimated the weather today. Sunny, 82, with humidity at 89%.
The temperature was not bad but the humidity was. Had to stop a few times to rehydrate. Was soaked by the end of the run.
It rained this evening so things cooled off.

Small PT:
4x5 pull
3 sets of 3x20 sit
3x20 push
10x hill climb lunges
The hill-climb-lunges are just lunges done up the steepest hill I could find on campus. This is in attempt to develop more leg muscle.

Sat in the grass while doing stretches and watched the thunderous and lightning-ous clouds do their thing off in the distance. It was relaxing. Feeling more flexible bit by bit.

11.2 mi.
Hill work

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Yesterday, Friday, did 8 at an easy pace in the morning. Planned on 4 more in the evening but it had to be scratched.

Today was the first long run that I've done in a good while. 18 today in 2:46:00.
Headed to the Potomac trail and planned on turning around at Baby Bear (the first waterfall on the trail). However, things were going well so I kept going. It's nice to run on the trail because it's very easy to forget about pace and any fatigue. It's an enjoyable run. However, on the way back a well hidden tree root popped out of no where, grabbed my foot, and threw me to the ground. The right leg, arm, and hip took the hit. Some nice little battle wounds to remind me that I got up and kept going while that stupid tree root is stuck there. Ha, take that tree root.

There are many tourists in town with Memorial Day coming up. I didn't plan accordingly and ran through hoards of people and hundreds, maybe thousands, of hard-core bikers. Oh well.

Stretched a bunch after. Got to sit in the shade under a tree and enjoy the beautiful weather, which is getting warmer and warmer. 87 and sunny today according to the little weather icon, which would explain why I ran out of water and had to go into conservation mode on the way back. Anyways, did some stretching and drank some delicious protein drinks. That's something I have been trying to increase is protein intake. It must have done something because the post-run legs feel good. Better than expected.

Almost 67 miles for the first week back into consecutive running days.
A satisfactory start.

Ok, that is all for today.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hill work and Hernia/Groin

Good hill work today.
Was warmer outside.
The salt burns the eyes!
Had a few pick-ups on up and down hills while recovering on the flats.
Short PT after. 100 sit, 50 push, 10 pullPlayed some Frisbee after.

Have been doing mucho (more now in comparison to none) stretching after runs and in the evening before bed. The hips have loosened up but the hernia/groin thing still lingers. It's not impacting running. It's just irritating. Charles told me that he experienced pain similar to this. He suspects it is related to tight hips. That very well could be the case. Hence, mucho mucho hip stretches.

10.7 miles
8:13 pace

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Legs were a little tight so planned and easy run today. Felt good.
Felt better than yesterday by having more fluids. The weather is being quite coorperative, beautiful, and predictable, which makes it easier to prepare.
Breathing slowed the pace today, which was good because it was supposed to be an easy day. Groin/Hernia thing still being a nuisance.
Did light shoulder and leg lifting after.

8.1 miles
63 min.
7:46 pace

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Base work

Faster pace running on flat course.
Run felt good. Breathing was steady the entire time.
Legs and body got tired about a mile from home. It was warm and I was a little hungry. Plus, the legs are getting back into running.
Need to get in more fluids with the rising temps.
Overall, a good run to set base training.

11.5 mi.
7:48 pace

Also, got to talk on the phone with Charles tonight. It was good to hear from him. He is doing well.
Faster pace running on flat course.
Run felt good. Breathing was steady the entire time.
Legs and body got tired about a mile from home. It was warm and I was a little hungry. Plus, the legs are getting back into running.
Need to get in more fluids with the rising temps.
Overall, a good run.

11.5 mi.
7:48 pace

Also, got to talk on the phone with Charles tonight. It was good to hear from him. He is doing well.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Leg Work

Got in a steady hill run today at the Arboretum. This place is good for constant up and down hill work. The pace felt great. Didn't push it but kept it steady. 10.7 mi. in 1:32:06
Attempted to do some PT after but bailed due to an unusual lower stomach/upper right bladder area/front hip discomfort. Never had a feeling like this. It's in a very specific spot and yells at me when doing ab work. In turn, I scratched the PT and did lunges instead. I think developing more leg muscles would help with the long runs.

With summer classes starting again there might be some days that running is put on the back burner. I really hope this doesn't happen as training become more consistent once again.

Got an awesome text from Charles today. He had a stellar PT testing today. Hope he posts soon so we can read all about it.

Friday, May 15, 2009


10.7 around the lake and back.
Felt good except the groin/inner thigh muscles were tight.
Found some new pull-up bars in the park and did 4x5.

That is all.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Slow and Easy

Same route today but in the opposite direction.
7.7mi. in 65 min. Took the pace much easier.
The legs were quite tight from the two-touch football yesterday.
Good to know those muscles are working again.
The run went by very fast today.

Right now I'm reading a book by Haruki Murakami entitled, “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”. It's a good read so far. A different approach to writing about running.
On the plane there was a part in the book the Haruki was writing about running a marathon from Marathon. He said it was so hot that he was mad at everything. He was even mad at the cows for chewing grass they way they did. When I read this I laughed out loud on the plane.
Any who, the point is, in his book he says that the best way to stay motivated is to stop running (or writing for him) when you still feel like you want to run more. I did that today. Now, I'm excited to run again tomorrow.
The glorious weather has helped a great deal.

Back Home

Last time I ran at home was over winter break and it was a struggle.
Yesterday was much different. A great run it was. The legs felt good, the lungs felts good, everything felt good.
Pace went a little faster than planned. Perhaps the excitement of being back and being able to run in a place without having to worry about being shot or mugged helped out.
7.7 in all in 58:30 (7:35 pace).
The goal for the next two weeks is to get in 50 miles a weeks at a easy and comfortable pace. Shake out all the cob-webs and avoid any kinds of -itis that wants to pop up.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Begining a tradition

Perhaps some of you may recall at the end of last semester, on the day of the very last final, I went for a run. It was a joyous run seeing that a) I was able to run again, and b) it was a fast paced rain-run. This must be something of a tradition because this past Thursday was the last of the semester finals, and once again, a) it was a joyous run, and b) it rained.

It felt good to get back out there. To run again is a good thing. For the next two weeks I plan to run as much as my heart desires, and it's also planned to make these runs enjoyable. Seeing that I'm currently back home it is a nice change of scenery from the big city. It will also be nice to run some good courses.

I hope everyone is well.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Not sure where I will be this summer. The job I had has been eliminated. My skills are no longer needed. Even if the economy sucks there is still running.

A beautiful day to run.
Mixed it up. Started at medium/tempo, then took it easy. From then I ran fast whenever, hit the hills strong, and had easy recovery jogs in between. Focused on form today. I guess it pays off.
Felt good. Workin' the heart. Averaged 7:15 miles in just over an hour of running. Just shy of 9 for today.

I plan to gear up the mileage this summer in preparation for

I was thinking that just a few of us could run it since there is an ultra category. Perhaps it could be a new record day. Have high hopes. Also, Northface has an endurance 50 ultra a month after the ragnar relay. If training goes well perhaps both can be ran. Having goals helps motivate.