Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan. 29th-31st

Mon. Jan. 25th
PM: 5 mi. 37:13
4x4 varied pull
4 negative pull-ups

Tues. Jan. 26th
PM: 1 mi. wu, 3x400m repeats w/ 400m recovery
400s right at 90sec. Repeats felt great. Smooth and calm.
Left knee MCL causing problems. There always seems to be something wrong.

Wed. Jan. 27th
PM: 1 mi. wu
1.4 mile time trial. 8:57.
Core, stability, and arm weight training after.

TH Jan. 28th
12:30 PM with Rose.
Fartlek. 2 mi. warm up. 1,2,3,2,1 min. on with half time rest.
Added 400m and 100m sprints
6 miles total in 45min.

Fri. Jan. 29th
Easy run in prep for tomorrow's meet
2.1 easy shake-out
strides. legs work.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Start of the New Season

Monday 1.18.10 PM:
After four months of everything except running, it's time to get back in the game.
Easy pace mile repeats spliced by 25x push and sit variations.
4 mi.
100 push
100 sit
100 arm haulers
4x4 pull

Tuesday 1.19.10 PM:
4 miles with Max. 8 min. pace.

Wednesday 1.20.10 AM:
With Leah to Capitol.
4.5 miles 37 min.
It sucks to be out of shape.

Thursday 1.21.10 AM:
4x25 push
4x25 sit
PM: Ultimate Frisbee in freezing rain

Sat. 1.23.10
AM: Sprints, Push, Sit, and Squats w/ the team