Thursday, October 16, 2008

The early hours of the next day

Well, I successfully didn't run again today.
Had a big anatomy exam at 4 and spent all morning/afternoon studying. Then, when it was over I decided to run around and play soccer instead. It still involved running, but not a specific 5 miles.
I plan on playing catch-up tomorrow and doing an easy 15 or so.
I keep reading Charles's blog ( and see how he's pushing though it and sticking to the plan. Way to go Charles. Keep going.
Up late again tonight working on stuff due for tomorrow. Then, after tomorrow's run it's back to the books for an exam Sat. morning, Monday evening, and next Wednesday. Whew. It's been a "fuck-busy" week so far. Bring it on mother fu%*#rs. I can take it.
It's almost 1:30am and I have class at 9am. I'm typing this with my running shorts and shoes on, ready to run. But, I'm not sure if I'm going to go through with a run tonight. I'm not sure if it's worth giving up tomorrow study progress by skimping on sleep. Running is important and I have a goal in mind, but right now it's second to school. A little sad to say that, but I must prioritize.
I've been pondering some ways to prevent boredom for these upcoming long runs. I'm wondering if I should try to make my long runs into some sort of small fundraiser. Perhaps for a group here on campus. I will tell them I can run for x amount of cents or dollars per lap on the track. What I won't tell them is that I will already have a distance planned. I wonder if that would be a good idea.
Stay with the program Charles and Anton. I know I've missed that past two days, but I'm still in it.
Peace and Love brothers and sisters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes...prioritzation. That is a hard one to manage. Sometimes I think I need to hire a manager to help prioritize the things in my life.

Well, unlike you or Anton, I really don't have a major priority like school or work. I do, however, have a couple things that I want to do everyday: practice, run, workout, eat good foods. It used to be that I tried to write everyday, but that was hard to do. I guess it is not in me to write everyday...and I guess that is why I am not in SF right now...still, though, it would be good to start doing again...

Well, I don't know why I am making this comment to YOUR post a REMARK about ME. That is unfair of me, and rude. This is your blog.

I will go back and hide in the corner, now.

Fucking long runs tomorrow and Sunday. Fuck.

(fuck in a good way)