Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Quick Draw

No run.

PT instead.

11 sets of 10x varied push and 20x varied sit
2x100 fire haulers. These were especially difficult today. Lots of fire. Lots of weakness leaving the body.


110 push
220 sit
200 fire

Happy Holidays!


Unknown said...

It is good to get in some stuff. I like how you call it a quick draw. I like it. I like how the first quick draw you did late at night. I like that.

Yes, it is good that I didn't hurt the back 2 days before a were pretty hardcore!

Ben said...

You know who is hardcore?

You. You are hardcore.

That is all.

Abby said...

Okay. I do these things. I call it "strength training" or "calisthenics". What is "PT"?

Merry Christmas!

Ben said...

The Duke and I have talked about what PT stood for, and we still don't know. We just call our push-up, sit-up, pull-up, etc. workouts "PT."