Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Day of School/ Late night workout

First day back.
Classes went well.
Scheduled was a little mixed up and was late for one of them.

Ran a little late today. Headed out at 10pm, easy 4, then straight into PT.
The run went by quick mentally.

The past few days my legs, abs, shoulders, and upper body have been sore as if I had just done a big PT set the day before. I'm not sure I have allowed enough days in between PT sets to fully recover. Today's PT showed evidence of that.

Did a quick draw.
10x10 sets varied push and sit.
Started struggling at set 6 and struggled even more to finish.

While doing sit-ups I noticed the sky was clear and the starts were out, so when PT was finished I went to the middle of the soccer field and laid down. It was calming.
I lie there, steam coming off my body, with the arms and legs stretched out on the ground. It was nice to see the stars.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Headed out at 10PM? That is late. For me, that would be ultra late.

I too wonder about the best combination of exercise and rest. I'm pretty clueless there and think I err on the side of overdoing.

Enjoy the restart of school. Learn lots of good stuff!