Monday, January 12, 2009

No Title

Planned on easy run today, but I have realized something. Easy runs turn out to be too easy and boring, so I pick up the pace. Then, when I pick up the pace I am no longer taking it easy like I should. In the end, did an "easy" 4.2 mi. run. I used Leah's watch today, which I still can't figure out how to use. The watch can record splits, but when I tried to go back and find out what they were I accidentally erased them all. These splits will be from memory: 7:30, 8:15 long, 9:15 long, 7:01.

Had planned on doing a solid PT set until I started. The abs were weak. I figure they are still recovering from the last set, so I went slow and reduced the numbers.
5x5 pull
5x25 sit


Unknown said...

On the easy days, you should take it easy, but not too easy. Don't go too hard either. Here are my splits from today.

5:45, 4:15, 3:37.

On that last mile I really went all out, just to make sure I would get the world record. I am glad that I did.

Abby said...

Some days, I feel like I'm just going through the motions if I don't work a little harder, so why bother?

Wow, a world record holder among us!

Ben said...

holy bajeezes. Those are freakin' fast times. I didn't know your car could go that fast.