Sunday, March 1, 2009


Out the door at 7am yesterday to finish off mileage for the week.
Ran an easy two and added one more with Leah.
Finished off the week with ~93 miles. There are a few decimal points in there somewhere.

Turns out to have been a good week to get in more miles because a) it's now snowing here and have an expected 6-10 inches by tomorrow, and b) a midterm this week that will be a doozy.

Walking around today the legs feel great. Hoping to get in some quality speed work tomorrow, but who knows, it might just turn out to be several miles of playing in the snow.


Anton said...

Holy shit dude! Good mileage! My highest week ever was only like 57 or 60 in college XC. You're like a mountain lion that traverses through the cliffs. What?

Good luck on the midterm. Doozy's are cool. I just bought one.

Unknown said...

Success! Yesterdy.

Did you buy a Garmin?

word: dishmat
def: the mat you put in the sink when you do dishes
sentence: hey, we need some new dishmats; these ones are shot.

Abby said...

93 miles in one week is just awesome! In fact, 90 miles with one day left in the week is awesome!