Monday, May 11, 2009

Back Home

Last time I ran at home was over winter break and it was a struggle.
Yesterday was much different. A great run it was. The legs felt good, the lungs felts good, everything felt good.
Pace went a little faster than planned. Perhaps the excitement of being back and being able to run in a place without having to worry about being shot or mugged helped out.
7.7 in all in 58:30 (7:35 pace).
The goal for the next two weeks is to get in 50 miles a weeks at a easy and comfortable pace. Shake out all the cob-webs and avoid any kinds of -itis that wants to pop up.


Abby said...

Yes, stay free from the -itis family.

Seems to me that the threat of being mugged or shot might make one actually run faster, but it wouldn't be much fun.

Unknown said...

Eff the Itis! Eff it!

Good pace you held there. Get in there! We should try to run sometime when we are both in NE...