Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Lone Sturdy Tree

There once was a lone sturdy tree. It was very lonely and quite sturdy.
One day, there was a big storm. It was very windy, yet, the tree stood--because it was so sturdy.
Understand what I'm trying to say?

Yesterday I ran 15 mi. around the arboretum. The run was pretty good, but I felt awesome afterwords. I must have been a little high. I was very tight. Today, I'm still tight. Really not sure why.

Today, I did not run. Woke up relatively early, went to class, took a test, ate food, went to homecoming football game, then soccer game, took pictures, dinner, pictures again, now I'm back. Back for more studying.

Tomorrow, I will try to get in 10, and maybe a PT set. Have to get in shape for Monday's PFA challenge set by Charles. Bring on the pain!!!

Right now, I'm eating craisins and raisin lookin' things. They are not raisins. They are a little larger. They are tasty.

The legs are a little tight. I should eat more bananas and drink more water.

I wonder where Charles and Anton run. What do their routes look like.....


Unknown said...

You wonder what my routes look like? Well, they look like gravel roads, with trees and cornfields and stuff like that. Minimal hills, right now. Maybe I will take some pictures or make a video so you can see how it is in the HC.

Anton said...

Nice poem. My routes look...varied. Some have ocean and sand and plants, some are through shipyards and warehouses, some are downtown, some are uptown, some are through neighborhoods with huge hills, some are on trails.