Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Easy 10/Pool

Jo had her long run planned for today (18ish) so I joined her for a bit.
Headed out 5 at 10:30 pace or so then peeled off. It was cool and a little breezy today.
Headed back faster and finished at 1:37 total time. Feel like the second half was sub-8.

Went to the cafe real quick to scarf some food and headed off to the pool.
Had a team work out in the pool for an hour. Did 20 min. of aqua jog in there.

The left foot neuroma is starting to "click" more often and I feel like I'm compensating by rolling on the outside of the foot. Maybe more bike/pool time would help. Probably just going to ignore it until it becomes a problem.


Abby said...

So... aqua jog. What's that? Do you wear any fancy fins or other water adaptive stuff? Or is it like that old ladies water aerobics? Probably good for the foot.

Ben said...

Aqua jog is just running in the pool.
It's a little awkward at first and takes some time to get used to.
Basically, put on some floaty thing to prevent drowning, go to the deep end, then run as if you were running outside.
No fins, no aquatic creatures, no old lady aerobic stuff.