Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Practice was postponed today and when I showed up none of the long distance runners were there. Oh well. Ended up doing 3x600 with 400m jog in between. They felt pretty good. The air was frigid cold and made the throat hurt. However, when that subsided the lungs felt great. I was please with the times.
Goal times were 2:00 and these were actual times:

Not a lot of running today, but I'm not worried about it.
Still sore from Monday's PT. Woo. I'm pleased with the soreness.


Unknown said...

Wow, the cold has left NE and is there where you are. Today it was in the low 60s...

Abby said...

Nice times for the 3x600's!

We haven't had any throat hurting cold in a while. I can't say that I miss it.

Anton said...

Wow! Awesome splits dude! You're like "The Flash." That's your new nickname. Learn to love it.