Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday Downfall

Probably the second lowest point I have ever reached during a run yesterday. After three miles I took a short break to think if I should turn around or not. The body just wasn't feeling it, but the Dean (Karnazes) and (David) Goggins in my mind said," this is the time when people find out who they really are. Keep going." Turns out, I should have turned around. At mile five I was so blue, down, and depressed that I sat down just off the side of the trail. I sat there for 15 minutes trying to find the motivation to get home.
At mile 6 I stopped, took another break, and then walked 4 miles home. It was depressing. The legs were heavy as lead. I tried to jog, but it felt like I had just run 50 miles, not 6. The only other time I can remember struggling this much was during the 75 miler when I crashed.
I'm not sure what was going on today, but I definitely bonked at the end. It seems odd because of such low mileage. However, I took today off, and I'm only doing 2 tomorrow.
I hope to look back on this run one day and laugh at the low and high points of running.


Unknown said...

Oh! Sorry to hear about this run! But don't worry...everyone walks at some point during a run...

Remember Tommy Boy? I remember in one of his logs it said he did a 20 miler, but crashed and walked the final 2 miles. It happens to everyone.

Me, I ran a couple miles the other day. 4, only, but I felt sluggish and crappy the whole time...maybe we will both have good days of running this week!

Are you eating enough food? Getting enough iron and protein?

Abby said...

Sorry this happened. I'm sad reading it.

But we all have runs that feel great and then those that are awful for no apparent reason. You've been stacking up a lot of miles lately, maybe the body wants to rest some. Maybe it is food.