Friday, February 27, 2009

Long Run Combination

AM: 12, 1:44

Headed out this morning only to run into fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars. Not sure what happened but they were in a rush somewhere.
By time I got back from the run a bunch of fire fighters were playing football on the field. Now I understand why they rushed here so quick.
Legs a bit sore. Slow pace. Wonderful weather.
Even though it was really windy the temperature was great.

PM: 11.5, 1:43

Overdressed a bit tonight. Felt good to sweat again.
Legs were tired.
Only have 3 or so miles to go tomorrow morning to reach the goal of 92.
Been a good week of running. Had to really squeeze the schedule tight to fit everything in.
First track meet tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

Legs are sore. Good feeling after increasing the miles. Let's me know they are still there and alive!


Unknown said...

Wow. Good miles!

Abby said...

Wow, you've really put in an impressive amount of mileage! Glad you didn't need the services of all those emergency personnel, but I guess it's good to know they're around.