Wednesday, April 15, 2009


def: fail to interpret or understand (something) correctly.

Today it rained.
Practice was scheduled at 4.
I gather my gear to prepare for the rain.
Showed up to practice and the long distance crew didn't want to run outside.
So what did they do? Got in the pool.
I just don't understand.
Avoid running in the rain just to run in the pool? Hmm.

I did a little bit of ab and shoulder work. Ran on the DREADMILL for 20 minutes. It said 1.8 miles. It must be wrong. Sat on a bike and moved the legs in circular motions. Some people call it "biking." I'm unfamiliar with this concept, and I also don't understand the purpose of having a seat jammed right in one's....well, sensitive place.

It seems like a lot of complaining, but it's not.
The weather says 74 and 75 for Friday and Saturday. Although, as we have all learned from Charles's blog the weather channel lies.


Abby said...

I run slower on the dreadmill than outside, but feel like I've been running faster. I don't understand it either.

Jean Pommier said...

Likes the comment of avoiding rain to run in the pool... ;-) I don't get it either.

Keep running... outside!

Farther Faster