Friday, February 27, 2009

Long Run Combination

AM: 12, 1:44

Headed out this morning only to run into fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars. Not sure what happened but they were in a rush somewhere.
By time I got back from the run a bunch of fire fighters were playing football on the field. Now I understand why they rushed here so quick.
Legs a bit sore. Slow pace. Wonderful weather.
Even though it was really windy the temperature was great.

PM: 11.5, 1:43

Overdressed a bit tonight. Felt good to sweat again.
Legs were tired.
Only have 3 or so miles to go tomorrow morning to reach the goal of 92.
Been a good week of running. Had to really squeeze the schedule tight to fit everything in.
First track meet tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

Legs are sore. Good feeling after increasing the miles. Let's me know they are still there and alive!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Slept in this morning and ran this afternoon.
Felt good to sleep in.

It was perfect weather outside. 50 degrees and no wind.
Ran down by the Potomac river and discovered thousands of open mollusk shells. Not sure if there were clams or oysters, but Melissa thinks mollusks is a better term to use. Picked some up and put them in my pocket.
Ran with music today which I rarely do. It was quite enjoyable and helped me push the pace.

After, went to the athletic trainers to check out what the numbness might be coming from. He said the right patella was off tract a little bit and should work on strengthening the "inner" quad muscle (not sure of the anatomical name. I bet Anton would know). I think it's just because the outer quad is very tight that it's pulling the patella off tract. Bad news, the neuroma on the left foot was quite irritated today and at one point thought I would have to cut it short. Hope that the new shoes will resolve this issue.

Overall, a good day of running.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Double Dip

Woke up a little late this morning. Was still tired this morning. The weather was much nicer.
Headed out at 7. Easy 5 in 43 min. or so.
Back early enough to get in some breakfast.
Headed to class, ate lunch, went back to class in the afternoon, then ran again.
Another easy 5 this afternoon with the team. They did on/offs while I ran around and "judged" their technique.
First meet is this Saturday. A little nervous. Don't feel like I've pushed them enough. Although, one of the sprinters puked up blue Powerade. There was a lot. I bet he won't be chugging Powerade before practice next time.

Good news. The legs felt much more looses today and only felt heavy when I joined in a few of the "on"s.

Still on track to reach the goal, but will have to get in more miles before Saturday since we will be at the meet all day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Full Day

Here's the run down for what happened today:
woke up 6am
out door by 6:30
ran 5 mi. in 44:32. legs still heavy and tight.
numbness is back
ASL proficiency interview
quick breakfast and chatted with Melissa
back home to change
out again for 5 more in 41:29
it was hard to keep the pace around 8 min. miles
quick shower, sandwich, and change
clinic again,
dinner. had delicious fish. mmmmmmm
peanuts, talk, post, peanuts, SLEEP!

Happy to get in the miles today. Yesterday I really doubted that I would follow through with the morning run, but I did it! After getting up every though I had searched for an excuse to get back into bed. I ate a PB sandwich with my eyes half-open.

Tomorrow will be a little less busy with class. Hope to get in a few miles in the morning the some sort of afternoon workout as well.

Good news, it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Busy as a Bee

Going to be a busy busy week trying to squeeze in more miles. Tomorrow's plan is to rise early, get in an easy 4 or 5 then get in another 4 or 5 during lunch.
Tomorrow is the busiest day class wise. Let's hope I make it through without falling asleep.

Today, woke up at 6 a.m. and hit the alarm until 7. Got out the door at 7:30 and did an easy 10 in 1:27:00. The legs felt very heavy today. Does not seem like a good sign when it's Monday and the legs already feel heavy. I was hoping the afternoon run would loosen up the legs and feel better. That didn't work. Managed to get in 7.25 miles while the team did mile repeats. I just ran the warm-ups, cool-downs, and in-betweens with different people. Was in the lower 30s today and felt like 17. Wind 16 to 25 mph. The wind is quite annoying and forecast says it's going to be just as windy and even colder tomorrow.

The legs are still very heavy. They feel tired going up stairs and are very tight. I did some stretching today as well hoping that would help. Let's hope the legs adjust and improve throughout the week rather than decline.

Am satisfied with mileage for today. On the right pace to reach the goal.

17.25 mi.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Inspired by The Duke I decided to go long today.
Went to Regan Airport. Looked at the Garmin at the turn around and thought it said 9.99 miles. Really, it must have said 7.99 mile and my math was off. I just figured I had some stellar mile times in there. Turns out I was just slow.
17 mi. in 2:32
First half in 72 min.
After, did very short PT because I ended up getting bored and cold.
It was 28, windy, overcast, and drizzly for a little bit.
10 pull, 50 push, 100 sit, 50 fire

I think Abby was right with the cold weather/tight muscle hypothesis. After yesterday's stretching and the short pre-run stretch today there was no numbness in the leg. Hoo-ray!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Numbness and Tingling

The wind is not enjoyable.
A little over 10 mi. total in 1:23. Just over 8 min. average.
Threw in a down hill sprint to see how low the Garmin would read. Got it down to 3:31. Now if I could only hold that pace for a mile or so I would be a much faster runner.

The past two days, just after two miles or so, the right knee goes numb, and if I continue the numbness spreads up into the quad. It is a weird feeling. After stopping for a bit the tingling starts just like when one's foot or limb falls asleep. After a the feeling returns my stride is off and the is an extra bump when I plant on the right. Biofeedback from the right leg has stopped and it takes a mile or so to get back into a rhythm that feels somewhat normal again.
Not sure what this is, but I sure hope it goes away.

Wonder if it has any connection to the legs feeling tight. Did lots of stretching afterwords.

AM Swim

With the team this morning.
Today we had five long distance runners. Woo!
Did some form drills in the water then aqua-jogged for a half-hour.

That is all.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


This weeks mileage did not go as planned.
Looks like it's going to be much less.
6.6 mi in 57:37 on full stomach.
Right after lunch, in between classes.
It was 28 and ridiculously windy today. The wind really killed the mojo.
Wind wind go away.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Speed Work

2 mi wu (7:20s)
1.5 mi repeated wu
4x400m with 2 min. rest in between
4x300m with 2 min. rest, 100m jog
1 mi cd (10:00)

400s right around 80 sec. Legs were tight. Have not done speed work in a while.
Was hoping to feel fast with the 400s but did not. Focused on form. Legs died before breathing (although it quickly caught up).

Monday, February 16, 2009

NC Weekend/Awkward Lungs&Heart/New Shoes

Took the weekend off and escaped from the city. Went to North Carolina. Absolutely beautiful area. Tall pine trees all over the place. Would have been the perfect place to run. Hope to go back and get in some very enjoyable miles there.

Here's today's run info:

February 16, 2009
Add Workout!
Running - Medium Run
Jefferson Memorial
Edit Workout!
11 miles
Shoe: Saucony Omni 6 (V)
388.7 miles on shoe

2.2 wu 17:01
3.14 medium 24:08
3.24 medium 24:01
2.43 cd 22:01

Lungs felt closed and struggled for air. Heart was beating much harder, not faster, but harder than normal. Abnormal feelings this morning.
The effort for the two medium runs did not reflect time. Something was off today.
Running - Hills
Weather: 32
Edit Workout!
3.7 miles
Shoe: Saucony Omni 6 (V)
388.7 miles on shoe

.5 wu
1.5 mile easy
10x hill repeats
1.7 mi cd

breathing felt better today.

PT after.
10x10 quick draw push/sit
2x80 varied sit "baby mammoth"
75 fire haulers
4x max pull: 8,5,5,4
Aimed to get in more miles this afternoon, but the PT made up for it. Pull-ups were difficult today.

After this morning's run the second toe on the right foot felt a little funny. After some investigation a small blister was discovered. With 380 miles on the shoes and a big hole in the toe of the right sock I figure it's almost time to get some new shoes, and maybe some socks also.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Beginners Mistake

Woops. Made a mistake and ran right after lunch.
The GI tract was not please with this decision.
The first half was slow so things would stay down.
The second half had to stop and walk for half-mile to keep things...well. Let's just say I could have used a bathroom.

The run left the stomach feeling disgusted the rest of the day.

This leaves me with a question. Would you rather run hungry or full (considering just right is not an option)?

Went to a restaurant and hung out with some school mates. They decided to take a cab home. I decided to run. Who would arrive first? I would always choose the runner.

1.5 miles in 9:51. Not the fastest time but not too shabby for street clothes with my phone, keys, and other junk.

Ended up arriving at the front door 15 seconds before they did. I waited there counting my cash. Suckers. Guess who just saved $3? That's right!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

Late run last night so not posting until today.
I decided to stop counting how many people say hi because the numbers were too depressing. Today absolutely 0% of the runners acknowledged back. That's too depressing for a run.
However, last night I saw two hardcore runners. They had packs on their backs and were working their asses off. I actually had to catch up to one of the runners and say, "hey man, you dropped your ass back there. You must be working it off."
Here are the stats from yesterday and today. Too lazy to write it again. Thanks copy and paste.

February 10, 2009
Add Workout!
Running - Easy Run
Weather: mid 50s
Edit Workout!
14 miles
(8:17 min/mile)
Shoe: Saucony Omni 6 (V)
349 miles on shoe

Beautiful outside. Wonderful night for a run.
Legs and breathing felt great. Everything matched.
Wonderful fun.
February 11, 2009
Add Workout!
Running - On-Offs
Track & Mall
Weather: 72 Breezy
Edit Workout!
11 miles
(7:49 min/mile)
Shoe: Saucony Omni 6 (V)
360 miles on shoe

The weather was even more beautiful today. Actually got a little warm during the run. The shirt almost came off, but then again, I don't want to get shot. Finished with 80 sit-ups.
3x 5 min on 4 min. off with the mid-distance runners.
Hit a 5:39 pace during one of them.
Finished off with 7.5 mile easy run. Threw in some more short bursts just to test out the Garmin. It tells the fastest pace that one has ran. Going full-out down hill and got the pace down to 4:39. Felt good to float; however, I could only hold it for 20 seconds or so.

The legs were a little tired today after the speed work-out. Otherwise another great run today.
Almost time to order new shoes.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Running can=Happy

Absolutely perfect weather for running. Sunny and beautiful.

Medium run today. Felt the work in the lungs.
Focused on efficient form and breathing.

Slightly euphoric after today's run. Heart beat slowed, the sun warmed my face and the breeze cooled the body. A+

3.21 mi., 23:11, 7:13/mi. pace
3.21 mi., 23:00, 7:09/mi. pace

Afternoon. Planned on 4 but as usual plans changed.
.5 mi wu
2x800 repeats. Right at 3:00.
Only one runner finished four sets. The other died.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Did a run'about today. Headed East.
What did I learn from today's run? Do Not Head East!

Had my pack on full of supplies and it was hot so the shirt was off.
I started getting weird looks from everybody. Some guy started yelling at me from across the street. I thought, "what the hell is going on?" Another guy by the bus stop warned me and said, "hey champ, you're going to want to put a shirt on," in sort of a tone that implied a "do you know where you are?" Apparently I was in the wrong neighborhood to be running through.
Ended up hopping on the metro because I didn't feel comfortable with all those looks and I was lost. Took the metro to an area that I knew and headed to the mall. There were many people out and the weather was gorgeous!
Ended up cutting the run short because I got bored. Didn't want to keep going and fry myself.
Next time I'll try heading South.

Total run: 14.65 mi. (yes, .65 because that's what the garmin said)
Did a short PT after because I hadn't done it in a while.
Rotated between pull, push, and sit.
pull: 7 regular, 5 wide, 7 and 7 mountain climbers, 7 reverse
push: 5x25 varied
sit: 5x25 varied
3x1 min. ab planks

Push-ups were the most difficult today. Should have done more abs. Pull felt great.
Shoulders little sore from yesterday. Must have been from carrying around the bag.

Next time I'm heading South!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Top Ten Run

Very enjoyable and adventurous city run today. Felt terrific after today's run. One of best runs in a long time. Champ it was. Champ.

Here's a quick run down of what I saw today:
A Russian guy with a hat
Hundreds of girls wearing boots (seems to be the trend)
I accidentally scared the crap out of one girl. She screamed and froze in place. I think she thought I was going to rob her. Her friend just laughed.
Saw Ted Kennedy being interviewed by a whole bunch of suites outside the white house.
Saw the DC Fire Dept. find a dead guy in the middle of a small park who turned out not to be dead. Just passed out.
A bus driver eating Chinese food.
Girls in bikinis. They were inside some sort of store something or other. Perhaps a tanning salon or something.
And little sonny williams who had better get his ass back home because mom was yelling for him.

A fantastic run!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today, 10 total.

Had team practice at 2:30 so I set out early to get in some good 'ol runnin'!
2 mi wu
2 mi tempo hills
2 mi cd

I can't figure out how to use all the settings on the Garmin that Leah has let me use, so I can't check my splits for the tempo. I'm going to guess 6:30 average. The two miles was shorter than I expected. Apparently all the arboretum runs have been short changed for miles. The turn-around for what I thought 2 miles was is probably the 4 mile turn-around.

Met the two other long distance runners at 2:30 and headed out for an easy 4. Stopped after one mile to do something foreign. Stretch. I'm not sure of this concept they called "stretching" and what it's purpose was. All I know is it hurt.

Finished off with 8x barefoot strides on the football field. There is a nice astro-type-turf that is soft and cushy on the feet. However, with the cold temperatures the feet were numb by the end. This actually might have been beneficial because the neuroma in the left foot is starting to become noticeable on the runs. Damn damn damn. Going to have to start icing or something. Damn.

Overall, a good running day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Easy 10/Pool

Jo had her long run planned for today (18ish) so I joined her for a bit.
Headed out 5 at 10:30 pace or so then peeled off. It was cool and a little breezy today.
Headed back faster and finished at 1:37 total time. Feel like the second half was sub-8.

Went to the cafe real quick to scarf some food and headed off to the pool.
Had a team work out in the pool for an hour. Did 20 min. of aqua jog in there.

The left foot neuroma is starting to "click" more often and I feel like I'm compensating by rolling on the outside of the foot. Maybe more bike/pool time would help. Probably just going to ignore it until it becomes a problem.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

1 mile/12 mile

Yesterday I planned on running 4-8 with the team. Well, that didn't happen. Two of the runners are brand new and were huffin' and puffin. The other kid had to go work on javelin stuff, so we only ran one mile.

Today, Leah let me borrow her Garmin. Did a 2 mi. wu, 8 mile medium, and 2 mi. cd to Arlington Cemetery and back.
Was a bit chilly tonight with the wind.

Finished with 1 min. ab planks. Sides and middle.
Max pull.
Regular (palms out) 11x, wide 6x, cliffs (forgot the name) 8x, reverse (palms out) 4x.

That is all for today.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Potomac Ice and Mud Adventure Run

Total of 18.2 today in 3:07:19. That averages out to 10+ min. per mile, but one must account for today's conditions.

Today's wave count, 14 out of 34. Still below 50%.

First 6 miles to trail head in 51:00 min.

Headed down to Mama Bear, which is the second water crossing on the trail. As the titles suggests, the trail consisted of either sloppy mud of single-track ice, which provided the adventure for today's run.

Depending on what part of the trail one is at there is a cliff/steep slope that falls into the river. Two times during the run I slipped and had to grab onto tree branches in order to keep from becoming the worlds lowest cliff diver. The first slip was near a 10-15 foot drop and the second was an estimated 50 foot drop.

Many times I had to walk and climb over the large rocks that cross the trail. Other times I just slid down the trail as if I was some sort of surfer dude. I reached Mama Bear (the turn-around) and was going to take a picture of the partially frozen waterfall; however, plans and priorities quickly changed when I slipped in a rock covered in ice. Both feet and lower parts of the legs ended up being submerged in the ice water. Immediately I started moving again because I fear that if I didn't my feet would become numb, which would make navigating the ice terrain even more treacherous.

With this quick change of events I felt hurried to prevent my body temperature from dropping. On the way back was when the second tree-grabbing fall occurred. Soon after the fall I came back across Baby Bear (the first water crossing). With fallen trees there as not a common path to indicate what route other people had taken. I ended up climbing higher than the trail, and at the top I realized there were no other options other than to climb back down another way. During my decent I stepped on what I thought was something solid with my right foot. It turned out to be ice, covered with snow, that had frozen in between rocks. The ice gave way and my shin grinded against the rocks below, which added to the series of gashes I received when tripping over that chain fence.

A few more close calls and slips I ended up making it back to the trail-head with no serious injuries. However, when it rains it pours. With 3 to 4 miles left I crashed/bonked/hit-the-wall. I had not eaten enough before starting the run and was hungry throughout its entirety. Also, climbing the rocks and running the trail had consumed more energy than I had anticipated. As a result, my pace slowed and a trickle effect occurred. Because my pace had slowed the cold wind had more of an impact on my saturated body. By time I had gotten back I was cold to the core.

Quickly, I got inside, showered, got some food in me, bundled up in extra clothes, turned on the heat, and wrapped up in blankets. I ended up passing out for an hour and woke up feeling warm and relaxed.

Overall, it was an excellent adventure.

Friday Jan. 30th, LD runner

The plan for today was to get in 6 mi. before meeting for team practice at 3:30.
Left at 2:30, medium 6, and got back to meet the team.
Problem. No one showed up.
Finally, I found some of the sprinters and they had already run. Ended up finding the coach and he said practice had been moved up to 2:30 and forgot to e-mail me until noon.

There was one long distance (LD) runner that was there. She's training for the Deaf Olympics and already has a coach and training plan. She should be good to work with.
We ran an easy ~2 mi. around campus and chatted it up.
After that, I did another ~2 mi. to make today's run just above 10 mi.

Did a Quick Draw PT set.
The last time I timed myself it took around 8 min. to do a 10x10 push/sit workout.
Today's time was 5:06. A big improvement in speed.
