Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So scarewee outsite

I was a big baby today and did not go outside to run.
I could have, but didn't. Not because I wasn't motivated, not because I'm hurt, hungry, tired, or dehydrated. I didn't run outside just because I'm a big baby.

Decided to do quick PT while watching third Matrix.

110 push
130 sit
150 fire

today I made sure that each rep was complete. All the way down and up at a slow pace.
There was more burn today.
Did a sit up variation that was half leg-lever with half sit. It was sort of like folding myself in half. Just not all the way.

Went x-mas shopping today. I hate shopping. There are few things that I hate, but I hate shopping. I rarely use the word hate also, but I hate shopping. I feel like punching everyone I see right in the face when I'm shopping. If I could murder shopping I would.

Good day to you all.
I hope everyone's shopping experience goes better than mine.


Unknown said...

Heck yes it was a good experience my day was. At least you got PT in, right?

Abby said...

Okay, I know "push", I know "sit". What is "fire"?

I have Christmas shopping to do today. I just want it over.

Oh, I just realized that with today's run, I've run 2009 miles now for the year. Thanks for your comment. I haven't run in a race in a couple of years. This year, I have a 10-mile race and a half marathon in my sights.

Ben said...

Fire is short for fire haulers.
This is an exercise for the arms.
Lie on your stomach, lift your feet off the ground a little bit, then move your arms like your making a snow angel from hip to above the head.
After a while they start to burn the the fires of hell.
Hence the name, fire haulers.

Anton said...

I hate shopping too.

And I'm not used to the cold. I want Hawaii to murder shopping and cold.