Sunday, March 8, 2009


It was 75 degrees today. The weather was absolutely perfect. Could not have asked for a better day. Thank you weather man or woman. Thank you for finally giving us a nice day.

Did a 15 mile run/walk. I've noticed that a slow jog makes the muscles very tight, so instead of doing that I decided to walk.

About 6 miles out I found a tree with a nice looking pull-up branch on it and did 6x5 varied pull.
Then, stopped at the turn around, which is the park next to the airport. One can sit and watch the planes land. I sat and watched the planes fly over for 15 minutes or so. It was very relaxing.

A wonderful day for running!


Abby said...

75 degrees sounds just about perfect!

I think it's better to walk than to jog slowly too. Just my opinion, but I don't see the point in bouncing around just to go the same speed as you can do walking.

Watching planes fly in at low altitude is a nice pastime. Just hope they don't flush as they go over.

Ben said...
