Monday, March 9, 2009

Ben+Speed Work=Not very fast

2 mi. wu 13:33 (6:46/mi)
1 mi. 6:03
1 mi. 6:02
2 mi. 14:00

5x 15 push
5x 25 sit
25 push


Unknown said...

Hey, those times are not that bad, really. I mean, that is 6 miles of fast-ish stuff, so it is all good. It's all good.

Why only 25 push?

Anton said...

Dude! You're fast! WTF title man.

Your warm up was even fast. Under 7s for 6 miles? I'm pretty sure the general consensus would be: Ben Harden is one fast mofo.

Abby said...

I agree with the others. Those are great times for a total of 6 miles. Even the blog entry was fast.

Ben said...

Wanted to round total push-ups off to 100 for the day.

Agreed, the blog entry was fast as well.