Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Two Down, One to go

One more midterm.

Today, did 6 miles with the team (three of us).
2 mile wu
2 mile tempo 6:00-7:00 min. pace
2 mi cd

It was in the mid 60s. Wonderful weather. Overcast, slight breeze, and a warm sprinkle. I like this temperature.
We also had team pictures today. Does anyone else ever feel like a dork when smiling for pictures?


Unknown said...

Yes, when pictures are taken and I have to pose with a smile, it seems fake. Maybe if there was something to laugh about it would seem natural. Maybe if they had something funny I would laugh and smile. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Abby said...

Hope you smiled pretty. Is this for the yearbook? School paper? People look up to you now, you're an icon!

Anton said...

That's nice you have people to run with. Makes it more enjoyable.
What team? Are you on the running team at the school?

I'm always smiling, so I can't tell the difference when I am smiling.