Sunday, May 31, 2009

Long/Shake Out

Saturday, 5 pm, mid 70s and sunny
22 miles
Potomac Heritage Trail, Arlington, Airport

Saw many trees down on the trail today, but whoever maintains the trail did a fantastic job cleaning it up.
Only a few patches of mud. Not bad.
First 48 min. went by quick.
Ran out of water relatively early today.
Found a comfortable pace just after 2:30.
Cold soak afterwords.
Cereal with blueberries, strawberries, banana, and soy milk.
9:30 am
Shake out run with Gus and Abe
1 mi wu, small PT 75 push and sit, 1 mi cd
5:30 pm
Dos mas with Kari and Sis
Barefoot on the track.
The legs feel very good. Neither stiff nor sore.
I bet the combination of much more stretching and brief cold soaks after runs that hurt have been helping recovery.
This is the last week of summer school. The goal is to maintain mileage, but I suspect studies might once again steal the spotlight.


Abby said...

"My GOSH, you HUGE!" Well, that's one of my favorite lines from Madagascar 2, and it's what comes to mind in regards to your recent mileage.

Too bad about all of those downed trees, though.

Ben said...


At least the trees didn't fall on anybody, or at least that I know of.

Unknown said...

Wow! 22 already! Geez! Crazy Ben! I like that you have gotten back your Running Spirit! Keep it up, dude!