Friday, May 1, 2009


Not sure where I will be this summer. The job I had has been eliminated. My skills are no longer needed. Even if the economy sucks there is still running.

A beautiful day to run.
Mixed it up. Started at medium/tempo, then took it easy. From then I ran fast whenever, hit the hills strong, and had easy recovery jogs in between. Focused on form today. I guess it pays off.
Felt good. Workin' the heart. Averaged 7:15 miles in just over an hour of running. Just shy of 9 for today.

I plan to gear up the mileage this summer in preparation for

I was thinking that just a few of us could run it since there is an ultra category. Perhaps it could be a new record day. Have high hopes. Also, Northface has an endurance 50 ultra a month after the ragnar relay. If training goes well perhaps both can be ran. Having goals helps motivate.


Abby said...

Yes, having goals helps to motivate, and those are strong goals there! Just a month apart - you doing both would be awesome. Keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Oh no! No job! Are there other ones you can do? Were you planning on taking summer classes?

Goals are good. Ramp up that mileage! Ramp it like you are skateboarding...or trying to skateboard but falling.