Saturday, November 15, 2008

Long run

30 mi. today.
Hit up FDR island, then found a beautiful trail that went to Rock Creek Park.
Great run.
Hit the wall at 3:20. Finished at 4:43.
Refilled water at a gas station.
Could have used more food.
Legs ached all evening.
Feel much better today.
Foot swollen.

Ran home from a rally, two miles, in pouring rain, soaked head to toe in street clothes, with my backpack. It was freakin' sweet.

Need to cut back on the chips.
They are delicious.

1 comment:

Anton said...

Chips are delicious.

Bad ass in the rain! Nice!

Way to go man, you're the best at keeping the schedule. You can do it!

Word: astru

Def: Truly askew

During a hearing with his lawyer, Bobby was asked if anything was out of place after the incident in question. Bobby replied: "Yes, the front door was astru and missing the handle."