Sunday, November 16, 2008

Relaxing Sunday

Slept in this morning.
Leah texted, we decided to swim and aqua jog this afternoon.

Just finished some sit ups and fire haulers before heading to swim.
8x25 varied sit.
3x90 fire haulers.
The last set of fire haulers held true to their name.
The arms feel wobbly as I type.

Will check back in after swim run.


40 min. aqua jog
10 min treading water
random swimming 60 min.

pool water makes the skin dry.
the lotion is used.

the aqua jog is still awkward.


Anton said...

Kick ass! You rock dude. Nice PT. Good cross-training. It's helpful. You'll get more comfortable with it. I start aqua jog this week.

Word: cophike

Def: A hike for cops

Sentence: not worth it.

Ben said...

ha ha ha ha!

Unknown said...

that was probably the best accident-haiku ever made

pool water makes the skin dry
the lotion is used
the aqua jog is awkward