Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tweak, Bounce the Beat

Do it. Take the beat, and bounce it. You'll be surprised.

Another off day for the foot boo boo.

Super pumped for the 30 tomorrow. So excited I want to skip class. It would be freakin' sweet to wake up at 4 and hit the road, but the plan it to head out after class around 10:30.

Currently, in this stage of life I have had strong desires for a companion. I'm not referring to the "gettin' down" aspect of intimacy, rather, just having a strong connection with someone you can trust. It is, a test of patience.





something you just have to wait for.



can't force it.



Gandhi was patient.




Unknown said...

Don't push it on the sure to quit if it need to hurt it anymore. I mean, you already have the endurance, so even if you delayed the long run for a week you'd be fine in your training progress so far. Not being injured is better delaying a the long run it'd be better.

Anton said...

Me too dude. Me too.

Word: symoely

Def: what comes out of the mouth of a retarded kid when trying to say things are similar

Dumm, the blag you wroted had symoely to my Ghandi.

Ben said...

ha ha ha.

that's bad dude. bad.

Anton, I'm glad you know what I mean.