Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Struggle

Stayed up reading last night. Up pretty late. Passed out and didn't wake up until 11:30 or so. Shit, I was going to run in the morning. I guess that's out of the plan.

Then, a big mental downer came up. The day hadn't even started and already felt overwhelmed and behind. How can that be when I havn't even gotten out of bed?

The requirements of the day. I call them that because it didn't really feel like it's what I wanted to get done, rather, what I had to get done. This included, a 15 mi. solo run, putting together a presentation for tomorrow night, studying for an exam in the morning, and doing laundry because I'm out of clean clothes.

Well, instead of hopping out of bed right away and getting those thing done I decided to read for 4 hours. Why does this happen? Why didn't I just do what needed to be done? I didn't, this 4 hour reading fest only pushed me back four more hours.

Right around 3:00pm I decided to get the run over with. Was not looking forward to this run at all. Honestly, the only reason why I ran today was because I knew the Anton and the Charles would be working hard.

Finally headed out. Decided to run through the National Mall area and head towards a park that's right near Regan Airport. It's actually quite an interesting place. One can watch the planes take-off and land. They also fly directly overhead by only a few hundred feet. However, even with all of the amazing things that I ran past I couldn't get over not having that "high" that often feeds each run. It just wasn't there today. I wonder if it has something to do with being tired. I got a solid 8.5 hours of sleep last night, and not just a solid sleep. I'm talking about the kind of heavy sleep that's equivalent to a dead guy, or someone who's hardcore drunk passed out. I was tired after the run also. This isn't a regular feeling for me, especially after getting plenty of sleep. Something subconscious happening? Virus? Being a wuss? Is it the sickness? Whatever it may be, I hope it runs it's course and the thrill for running returns.

Ended up having a good overall pace for the run. Possibly because I kept "racing" other runners. I just didn't want them to pass me. I must be faster than them! Ahhhhh!

Got back around 5:30pm and stretch the legs. They were tight, which I think had to do with low fluids. Went to dinner, and didn't have an appetite, which is another clue that makes me think something else is going on. Maybe I have tapeworm, or perhaps Boogie Fever.

Tonight's activities include laundry, finishing this presentation while hanging out with Charlene (a super rad chick), and studying for this exam.

Good night to all, and have a wonderful Monday!


Anton said...

Super rad chick. Cool.

Way to get everything done! You're then man. That's what keeps me going too, know that you and Charles are out there kickin' ass and takin' names. Or fuckin' chicks. ;-)

What's this "high" you speak of with each run? I've never experienced it. Truthfully. No wait, I've felt it once. But that was it. Most runs feel like I'm...running. That's about it. Just plodding along like John Bingham.

Ben said...

Anton and Duke (Charles), I put the "high" in quotes because I too rarely get a high. Although I have had it before. I'm just referring to that general feeling of feeling better, more awake, more alive, optimistic after a run.

Duke (Charles), I too have that weird word thing when I post on Anton's blog. I think it has something to do with preventing robots from posting hilarious yet anonymous comments.