Friday, January 16, 2009

Day off

Decided to take the day off of running and PT.
Also went into work for an hour and there was nothing to do, so I came back early.

I have decided to go tour the Mall area and snag some pictures. I will get plenty of walking in.

A flight path cuts right over campus, so quite frequently we will see all sorts of helicopters flying over. Police, emergency, military, and even the presidents helicopters. This morning, I was awoken several times to witness the president's helicopter fly low over the university. It has gone back and forth at least four times. The last time there were two Air Force One helicopters. I'm not sure if they are called Air Force One helicopters or not. I suspect that they are hauling out all of the Bush family's personal belonging. That would be quite the moving service to have.

Happy day to all.


Unknown said...

Interesting sights.

Lisa described a helicopter to me today. She said it looked like some kind of flying...some kind of flying pteradactyl.

Abby said...

You're in for a lot of commotion and aircraft. I lived in Utah during the 2000 winter olympics, so I can imagine what an inauguration will bring!