Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh Happy Day

A gorgeous day outside it was. Low 50s. I would like to thank Abby for sending the warmer temps this way.
10 easy today. Felt like 7:40s pace. Decided to hold off on PT.
Found out that I will be assistant coach for the track team. Long distance will be my "specialty." Apparently there is one guy doing 18 mile long runs. I have a feeling I will like working with him. The rest of the team consists mostly of sprinters, 800, and a few milers. I am excited for it.

The weather made me happy today. A few points in the run the breeze died down and the warmth from the sun shined upon my face as if it were spring. It was a wonderful and comforting feeling.

Have been hanging out with Jo a lot lately. She makes me happy.
Sadly, it won't last forever, so one must play the cards that are dealt. Sometimes, the cards come in nice packages with a bow on top.

A good day today.

1 comment:

Abby said...

You're welcome. I guess that's why our weather went back to chilly on Friday. Funny of how we can be so appreciative of 50 degrees.

Assistant coach, eh? 18 miles? That's not a typical track event, but I hope you have fun!