Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grapes and Pretzels/ Snow and Sleet

Woke up this morning seeing nothing but overcast skies. As I sat up and glanced out the window it was apparent that it had been snowing during the night. Everything was covered with a uniform layer of white powder. Well, not necessarily powder. More like a heavy, wet snow.

Yesterday I had planned on taking today off of running, but a few factors played small parts to change that. First, class was scheduled until 8:20, we got out at 5:30. Second, I had already eaten, and now that class was out early I wasn't hungry nor full. Just right. Lastly, the snow motivated me a little to run. I figured it would be a nice change of pace.

Did 2 mi. easy around campus. It was fun.
Headed inside and did some PT.
Having read The Duke's blog I decided to copy him and do 6 sets.
Here's how it went down:
6 sets of 6x pull, 25x push, 50x sit, and 50x arm haulers.
Was happy to be done with this workout.

Back in my room I reached for my water bottle. It's interesting how the mind automatically predicts things. For example, putting the bottle to my lips I just assumed it would be water; however, having forgotten that early I had filled it with orange juice I cringed as I began to drink. "What the heck is this?"
I find it interesting how it tasted different because I was expecting water and not orange juice, but if I had expected orange juice it would have tasted more like orange juice rather than drink-surprise!

Good luck to those battling the ~10 degree temps. Stay warm!


Abby said...

But... but... I'm waiting to read about grapes and pretzels. I got snow and orange juice. Where're the grapes and pretzels?

I heard schools were closed today in D.C. The Obama girls got a snow day.

Unknown said...

A nice little workout for you! The PT looks like a good workout.

The weather looks like it is warming up here. Next week it is supposed to be in the 40s! Hooray!