Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good run/ Bad run

Planned on 10 but mapped the route wrong. Ended up going 9.5. Will have to find a new 10 mile route.

First half of today's run went well. Easy pace and controlled.
Second half I aimed to make it a negative split. That is, until the stomach decided to take a turn for the worst. Wave a nausea took over and dry heaving followed. I think it was undigested pineapple from earlier this afternoon.

Other than that, I saw many many runners out tonight. None of which said hi. I figure it was because it was dark and my hands had black gloves. I don't think I've seen that many runners down there. Many of them were wearing reflective gear and had on tight pants.

That is all for today.


Unknown said...

Pineapple. That's the only thing I have ever thrown up after running. In high school I ran 4 x 800, and because there was a rain delay, I decided to eat pineapple. Unfortunately the rain cleared up sooner than expected, so I had to get my spikes on, run, then wander around on the infield like a drunk person, then vomit on the grass. It must have been fun for people to see. I know I would have thought it funny to see someone wandering around and then throwing up, but maybe it is just me that finds it humorous.

Abby said...

Okay. That does it. I'm off pineapple. I, for one, don't have a pineapple vomit story to share.

Ben said...

I guess it's a lesson learned. Pineapple and peanuts are to be avoided at all costs before a run. After is great, but not before.

I'm glad you had a pineapple story to share. That's makes me feel better. Wandering around like a drunk person. HA! Drunk of pineapple and 4x800s.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that few runners say hi here (boulder, co). Then I realized when I said hi to every runner I passed it seemed that I was saying it every five seconds. There must be an unwritten rule here that "hi" is a given when you pass another runner, whether it's said audibly or not. Not terribly interesting but I don't have a pineapple barf story...