Monday, January 26, 2009

Yes! 62.5%

11 mi. today. Changed up the route just a little and ran to the entrance of Arlington Cemetery.

Easy pace to start. After 5 or 6 warm-up felt good and picked up the pace. Assume 7:45 to 8:00 pace.

The best part of the day was that 5 out of 8 people waved! That's 62.5%!

Two of the people that didn't wave stared right at me and didn't acknowledge. Although, one guy was working hard and looked like he was about to heave up a lung, so I'll let that one slide.
A few pretty ladies said hello, and most rewarding was this couple (guy and girl) jogging in the opposite direction that waved hello to me first! Whew! I think my pace quickened after that.

I'm wondering if the people who waved more did so because they were more hardcore (because it was darker and colder outside), so they tend to seek out those connections more aggressively.

I had a snot rag/bandanna to cover my face/mouth today. There was a lot of snot on my face. It was pretty gross. At least it was covered up. Also, it wasn't as though I was posing for a picture or making out with anyone, so it doesn't really matter that I had snot running down my face.

Overall, a great run today. Very satisfied.


Unknown said...

That is nasty. Gross.

I have caught up with your blog posts, although I did not comment.

A hot date?

Abby said...

I'll admit to sometimes getting snot on the face during the cold runs, but I purposely leave that TMI out of any blog posts. Just saying.

I do think that it's the more hardcore people that wave. There's a certain established kinship. The newbies maybe aren't quite sure if it's safe.