Sunday, January 11, 2009

Food Run

Decided to head to the grocery store today. Found a Giants food store to go to.
Put on the running gear, strapped on the back pack, and headed out.
Arriving at the store I loaded up with the essentials. Organic milk, orange juice, organic cereal, organic apples, bananas, and salted peanuts. It was perfect, just the right amount of stuff to fit into the bag. It's different running with 15-20 lbs of weight on the back. It pushes out the elbows a little bit and the stride shortened. It was a glorious way to go shopping.

Came back home, unloaded, and headed back out because I was feeling good. Headed down to the mall area. With everyone getting set-up for inauguration there is more and more stuff to dodge. My typical route was interrupted by those big cement barriers, hundreds of *Dr. Johns port-o-potties, and hundreds of weird floor panels.

*I found it interesting that a portable sanitation service was called DOCTOR Johns. What is this person exactly a doctor of? It's also a little ironic because in Nebraska there is a chain of adult novelty shops called Dr. Johns. Could this in fact be the same doctor? Does this person own a portable sanitation company AND a chain of adult stores? What an interesting person.

Ended up going 12 miles today with just over 1.5 with weight on the back. Overall, a good day.

Running didn't change my life, it changed my life style.


Abby said...

I often pick up groceries on my bicycle, but have never thought of actually running to the store. I think it's the idea of running with a loaded backpack. Nicely done! I hope the bananas didn't bruise.

I'm not a fan of port-o-potties, even if endorsed by a doctor.

Unknown said...

Nice, Ben. You are like someone who picks up groceries in a back pack and runs off with it. That is what you're like.

I haven't left any comments on your blog for a while. I don't know why, really. I have been checking it a lot. I guess since Sunday time has moved fast and I didn't realize that all that time passed by.